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3.10.20 - The Transfiguration (read Matthew 17:1-13)


In Chapter 16, Jesus is beginning his final year of his ministry. He has now shared with the Apostles that he must suffer greatly at the hands of the Scribes and Pharisees, be killed, and rise on the third day. They did not understand and were greatly distressed. Jesus then takes Peter, James, and John up the mountain for the Transfiguration. They get to witness the glory of the Lord.

Jewish tradition held that the Messiah would be the "new Exodus" and the "new Moses." This is the to all the answers - the fulfillment of the first Exodus.

1. The biggest connection of the Transfiguration to the OT is what?

Moses and the Exodus.

2. The reading begins, “After six days…”. What is this in reference to?

Exodus 24:15-16 – “… on the seventh day God called Moses from the midst of the cloud.”

3. Why up a mountain?

Like Exodus – Mt. Sinai

4. Why did Jesus just take three (Peter, Andrew, and James) with him? Why not all twelve?

Moses also took three with him – Aaron, Na’dab, and Abi’hu. The latter two were sons of Aaron (brothers). James and John were also brothers.

5. What was the significance of the Jesus shining so brightly?

Wherever Moses came meeting with God, his face shined such that he started wearing a veil. Whereas Moses’ face shined from its encounter/reflection of God, Jesus’ shining was from came himself.

6. Why Moses and Elijah?

They represented the Law and the prophets (the Jewish bible).

7. What did they talk about?

Need to refer to the version in Luke 9:30-31, “… and they spoke of the exodus he (Jesus) was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.” The New Exodus was at hand. The Mosaic Covenant was about to be upgraded.

8. What “New Exodus” was being planned?

The Last Supper was the New Passover. The old Exodus was freedom from slavery to the Egyptians. The new Exodus was freedom from slavery to sin which kept us out of heaven.

9. What is the significance of God coming in the cloud?

God also came in a cloud to Mt. Sinai. Interestingly, the “shadow” referred to in the cloud was the same word translated when the Holy Spirit was to “overshadow” Mary in order to conceive Jesus. That being the case, the HS was present, too, which makes this the 2nd time in the Gospels all three of the Trinity were present.

10. Why did Jesus tell them not to tell anyone?

The Transfiguration was a chance for the Apostles to have a glimpse of the end game, and it was beautiful, which is why Peter didn’t want to leave the mountain. If they were to tell the Jews and others that the Mosaic Covenant was coming to an end, and that Jesus would be the new Covenant as part of his death and resurrection, they would have thought they were nuts and had them all executed for blasphemy. Better to let it unfold as Jesus planned, when he rose from the dead and could walk among them again.

Fun night. Taylor has to stop making our sessions run so late.




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