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12.5.19: "John's strange question from prison"

In today's reading, John asks: "Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?" -- Matthew 11:3

That is a strange question, especially coming from John the Baptist. Not only was John Jesus’ cousin, but he exclaimed, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world" when Jesus came to be baptized - and then he saw the Spirit descend on him.

For John, the coming of Jesus was not happenstance. It was his entire mission and message. Suddenly now that John is in prison awaiting execution, has he become uncertain? Was he that wearied by suffering that he needed reassurance? That doesn't sound like John at all.

Or perhaps John wasn’t uncertain at all. Maybe it was intentional. What if John was doing exactly what he had always done: helping people recognize the Messiah. Maybe his question wasn’t for himself but for his disciples—to help them believe in Jesus. Remember, John’s time was short. He had thousands of disciples and followers, some who were expecting the Messiah to storm the capital and retake Jerusalem from the Romans. Clearly, Jesus wasn't living up to this expectation.

If John was anything, he was one strong-willed SOB. Herod and the threat of prison wouldn't have phased him in the least, or else he wouldn't have been verbally assaulting Herod and the Temple leaders to their faces. His mission from the beginning had been to lead people to Jesus, and John would have been determined to deliver on that mission to the end. So it makes sense that before John died, he would want his disciples to know for themselves who Jesus was. It makes sense that meeting Jesus, and hearing Jesus' responses first hand, would persuade them far more than John’s words.

In fact, the question John asks is strategically peculiar. He doesn't ask Jesus if he is the "Messiah." He asks him if he is the "one to come." Most Jews, and certainly the followers of John, knew scripture well; and they would've known what that meant: this was no ordinary Messiah!

Let's unpack this meaning Tuesday.

See you then!


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