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1.24.21- What happened to the first born children who were killed on the Passover? Was it fair?

Last week we read about the First Passover in Egypt that led to the Hebrew Exodus from slavery. We read about it because it prefigures the sacrifice Jesus made, captured in the Last Supper. Our illustrious and very famous member, Thao, then asked: What about the children killed that fateful night? Thao said I could post my response, so here it is.

Q: Why were the first-born in Egypt – some of who could be infants at the time – held responsible for the actions of Pharaoh? Wouldn’t this be cruel and unusual? They didn’t disobey God. Why would they be held responsible?

A: Most of the first born Egyptians were not infants as first-borns are every age. But regarding the young, Isaiah writes that there is an age before a child is able to “know to refuse the evil and choose the good” (Is. 7:16), meaning they could not held accountable. Catholics also believe that there is an “age of reason” before one is held accountable for choosing sinful behavior. Jesus implies that little children will be in heaven (Mk. 10:14; Mt. 18:3; 19:14). Because God judged the children of Egypt, it would seem he would have brought them immediately into his presence in heaven, because they are below the age of accountability. The Bible doesn’t spell out every possible situation so there are not hard and fast rules for all scenarios – so this is the Church’s best theological estimation.

Keep in mind, just because your king or ruler is sinful, cruel, murderous, etc. is never an excuse for you to participate in that behavior and say, “Well, it’s not my fault.” Everyone knows basic right and wrong behavior because it is part of our spiritual natures. For example, in any culture a man can love his wife and children, be honest with his neighbors, and honor his commitments; OR, he can be hateful, cruel, dishonest, and a cheater. You don’t need to be a Christian to know these things.

You might also consider these things about the story you are referring to…

1) The Egyptians were far from innocent. Pharaoh had murdered all of the infant Hebrew boys by drowning them in the Nile River (Ex. 1:22). Egypt had grown rich by enslaving the Jewish people for 400 years (Gen. 15:13). While Pharaoh carried out this plot, the Egyptian people benefited from his decision to enslave the Jews. I would also suspect some were more culpable than others, for instance how cruel individual slave-drivers were.

2) While Pharaoh killed every Hebrew infant boy, God only judged the firstborn of Egypt. God’s judgment was mild in comparison to Pharaoh’s judgment. Nor does the text ever state that Pharaoh’s edict to kill the Hebrew infants ceased. It’s possible that the Pharaoh continued to have Hebrew boys killed, even at the time of the plagues.

3) The tenth plague was last on the list, because it was a last resort. Pharaoh had been warned by God for nine straight plagues. God had given Pharaoh multiple opportunities to change his mind and avoid judgment. Pharaoh, on the other hand, did not give the Jews any “ways out,” when he killed the Hebrew boys. While God waited patiently and gave many chances for repentance, Pharaoh gave none.

4) Remember that God has certain moral rights over human life that we don’t. As the author and creator of life, God has a unique right over all human life. Since God is the creator and sustainer of all people, he decides how long we get to live (Ps. 139:16). God takes everyone’s life at some point. It’s called death. God allows everyone to die; the question is –when? We live everyday –not as a right –but by the mercy of God. When God took the lives of the firstborn in Egypt, he was acting on prerogatives that rightly belong to him. In fact, these Egyptian boys most likely died in their sleep (“Now it came about at midnight…” Ex. 12:29). Of course, the Hebrew infants were given no such mercy, being drowned in the Nile River (Ex. 1:22).

5) Finally, the God who took the firstborn gave up his own firstborn son for us. We would be remiss if we didn’t think about this. While we might feel horror at the fact that God would judge the firstborn of Egypt, we need to remember that we’re dealing with the same God who paid this great and terrible price himself by giving up his “only begotten son” (Jn. 3:16). While God is willing and able to judge, he was also willing to take our place in judgment.

Hope this helps.


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